On his job our customer found that the two doors on his garage were too narrow for his car. The solution was as follows:
This job needed a building warrant so we got our structural engineer to produce a design and obtain the necessary building warrant approval from the local authority.
The original doors were removed and the roof and door beams were carefully propped inside the garage all as detailed by the structural engineer.
We were then able to remove the middle column following this we removed the beams and brickwork above the doors. The floor was then reinstated.
The opening was prepared and the new galvanized steel structural beam (from Birtley Beams) was carefully installed and built in place.
Once the beam was ready we rebuilt the facing brickwork above the beam and reinstated the roof soffit.
Approximately a week after fitting the beam we then very carefully removed the roof props
This allowed us to supply and fit the new door. This is a white Hormann electrically operated Georgian style door with vision windows. The door is 16’0” wide by 7’0” high and gives ample room for two cars to park inside the garage.
After completion of the work we obtained a completion certificate for the work from he local authority.